LSI Independent Sixth Form College successfully passed its recent inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), which took place just before Christmas. Among the highlights of the report were the strong pastoral support that the College provides for its A Level and GCSE students.
The inspectors recognised that “The college’s pastoral structure provides excellent levels of support and guidance for the students in accordance with the college’s aims” and that “Pastoral support for students is excellent and the college is highly effective in ensuring that it meets its aim of providing a learning environment which is nurturing and supportive”.
We were very pleased that in their questionnaires and in their meetings with the inspectors that our students informed the inspectors that they “confirm they are happy and feel very well supported”. The College prides itself on its friendly atmosphere so we were delighted that the inspection report picked up on the fact that “Students are appropriately educated in a highly supportive environment” and that “Relationships between staff and students are excellent”.
On the academic side, the inspectors reported very positively on the expertise of the College teachers, noting that “Teachers have excellent subject knowledge, are enthusiastic and motivate their students to enjoy and engage with their learning. They have a clear knowledge of students’ previous learning and consistently challenge even the most able”. They also reported that: “Feedback to students is positive, encouraging and clearly identifies areas for improvement”; that “There are highly effective systems in place to monitor students’ progress and attainment” and that “The progress of each student is carefully tracked, allowing teachers and students to monitor progress effectively.”
Safeguarding is of paramount for any educational establishment, so we were also very pleased that the inspectors were able to report that “Arrangements for the safeguarding of students under the age of 18 are excellent” and that “Students’ welfare, including health and safety, is excellent”.
School principal Dr Seán Buckley was full of praise for his staff. “I would like to thank the LSI Colleges and teachers for their very positive contributions to this successful ISI inspection.”