London Hampstead’s Recent ISI Inspection Report

We’re very proud of our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection report and thought we’d share some highlights with you:

The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners’ achievements is excellent.

There is outstanding support for students with specific educational needs on the A level programmes.

Students’ work is regularly assessed and they receive very high quality feedback on what they need to do to improve.  Consequently, students make excellent progress in their studies.

The systems for supporting students under 18 years are excellent, contributing to effective safeguarding practice.  Pastoral care is excellent with staff promptly identifying and supporting students’ individual needs.  Students receive high quality information and advice on further study options.

Pastoral support is excellent.

Students under 18 years are well monitored and teachers provide highly effective support and care.

Further study and careers advice is excellent, providing plenty of opportunities for students to consider and plan their future study and career options.  Support for A level students is outstanding, providing students with very high levels of support and guidance.

Students receive excellent levels of individual support, attention and care. 

Student support and care are outstanding, contributing to high educational standards.

The policy and procedures to advise and assess students applying for A level courses are excellent.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and are highly skilled.

Achievement levels are high.

Attainment and progress are excellent.

Students report that they are very happy with the progress they are making.  Attendance levels are high and punctuality is excellent.

The arrangements for health, safety and security of premises are excellent.

The quality of premises is excellent.  Buildings are comfortable, clean and well maintained, providing an attractive and safe environment for everyone.

Student areas provide refreshments and a comfortable environment well used by students who report high levels of enjoyment in socialising with their peers.