We are very pleased to announce that LSI Toronto will finally reopen after a long period of hibernation throughout most of the pandemic. We have mainly operated as an online school since March of 2020 and while we were briefly open from September to November last year, our Toronto-based students have been remotely learning throughout one of the longest lockdowns in history. Staff and students adapted quickly to these challenging times, but, as of July 12th, all of that will change as the government of Ontario has finally granted us permission to reopen our doors to the world. We are ready to implement precautions and safety measures to ensure that our students and staff are well-protected – please see https://www.lsi.edu/en/covid-19.php for more details.
LSI Toronto is a dynamic language school offering a wide variety of courses and cross-cultural opportunities. Not only can students learn English but they can experience and live the language in a vibrant and cosmopolitan city. LSI Toronto is doing its part to help the great city of Toronto come back to life. Although our online programs have allowed our students to develop their language skills and experience new cultures in unprecedented ways, our students and staff just can’t wait to return to in-person learning. After hearing the good news, one of our long-term students said, “This is a perfect start to the summer! I can finally learn face-to-face, meet new friends and enjoy this wonderful city!” We also look forward to welcoming new students from abroad as Canada eases its travel restrictions.