What it is really like studying in the UK – Read a published article from LSI London Central student

In January Célia Regina Viganó studied at LSI London Central for 3 weeks. As an English teacher in Pato Branco, Brazil, her main purpose was to improve her English , her pronunciation and to learn about the culture from first hand. Staying with a host family gave her plenty of opportunity to experience British culture and food plus indulge her love of animals thanks to the friendly miniature schnauzer Jemmy, the host family pet dog. Célia loved the atmosphere at the school and was able to absorb new teaching techniques used by the LSI teachers which she intends to use in her own teaching back in Brazil. She especially enjoyed the opportunity to make friends with fellow students from all around the world.

When Celia arrived home after her studies she was asked to write down the impressions she had of her trip. If you know Portuguese , you can read a very full account of her trip in an article written for her local newspaper Diário do Sudoeste.