Since introducing our Young Learner programmes three years ago, the demand for these popular courses has continued to rise and has prompted LSI to open yet more centres where we can offer the courses. Last year we ran the programme at our centres in Toronto, San Diego, Brighton and London Hampstead with great success. Higher numbers than ever booked the course and in San Diego they even ran a campus based course for the younger students (11-13 years). Chichester, our first all campus based course, was also introduced and attracted many young teenagers who were keen to experience travel and study but in a more protected environment. Due to the increased demand LSI will be offering campus based programmes at London Kingston and New York for 2012 as well as running the programme in all last year’s locations. These courses represent great value for money and an unforgettable experience for all those lucky students who get places on the programme. Check out the main website if you are interested in booking for this year!