At one of our language schools in Canada our students tried to be good all week in anticipation of our holiday party on Friday December 12th, hoping Santa would stop by for visit. Luckily he did not disappoint! He came by LSI Vancouver while students were enjoying a delicious international potluck lunch provided by students and staff. The front room of the school was transformed into an impromptu cafeteria and everyone enjoyed a huge variety of food from around the world, including guacamole, sushi, salad and chili. There were also two tables full of desserts including traditional Swiss chocolates and very Canadian Nanaimo bars!
When Santa came by he brought candy canes, chocolates and lots of hugs for everyone. After lunch was finished teachers Steve and Cris pulled out their guitars and everyone joined in with them to sing traditional holiday songs. We were even treated to a version of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer in Korean and beautiful Spanish and German versions of Silent Night. The day was bittersweet though as our Cambridge exam preparation course had just finished that week and many students returned to their home countries the following weekend. However a great time was had by all and everyone appreciated the opportunity to enjoy a meal and celebrate the holidays together – and to meet Santa!