For many LSI students who study with us, it’ll be the first time they’ll ever have visited their new host city or country. For 2016, LSI are offering an exciting range of language travel packages. Alongside our general language classes we offer fun weekend excurions which provide an oportunity for student’s to explore the wider environment whilst studying.
Our Adventure Courses are offered at all LSI schools with many schools offering a variety of weekend excursions.Visit natural wonders such as the Rockies (LSI Vancouver), the Grand Canyon (Berkeley, San Diego), the Great Barrier Reef (Brisbane) and Niagara Falls (New York). Explore iconic cities such as Edinburgh (London, Brighton, Cambridge), Philadelphia and Washington (New York) and New York (Boston). Or simply try something new such as igloo building or water water rafting (Zurich). This is just a taster of what we offer.
To book on one of LSI’s Adventure courses, students are required to study for a minimum of two weeks on any LSI general language course and must also have a minimum age of 18.