Former LSI Student competes at the 2010 Winter Olympics

New Picture (7)LSI Canada would like to congratulate Simon Struebin at his inclusion on the Swiss Winter Olympics team. Simon studied for his CAE certicate ( the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English Cambridge) at our LSI Toronto school back in 2002 . Simon is now back again in Canada, this time in Vancouver, as a member of the Swiss curling team.

Simon has recently been in touch with our school. Whilst at home in Basel he enjoys skiing, running, American football, hip-hop and basketball. Unsurprisingly though his main interest is curling and he is a member of the Basel-Regio Curling club in his home town of Basel. Simon has a successful career as a real estate agent.

Here at LSI Toronto we will be watching closely on February 16th when the curling events begin. All of us here will be cheering Simon on.